6:00 AM

Candid Jessie

You've probably seen Jessie before. He's a model and actor who's gotten some recent attention because of a diet show on cable.

He's 26, straight, 195 pounds, and 6'0". I like his look, but what makes him is his smile, in my opinion.

I found these photoshoot outtakes of him yesterday that I hadn't seen before. He's only smiling in one of these. I'll post some other images of him soon with his beautiful smile.

I've been on a few photo shoots in my life and found them tediously dull. I couldn't imagine the model's life. I would be bored silly spending hours posing whilst someone took my picture. Jessie looks a bit bored here. Such is the life of a god when he must spend so much time with we tiresome mortals.


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