My boyfriend had an interesting thought about ex-congressman Chris "ManTits" Lee who resigned yesterday. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, "the Craigslist woman might be a complete fake to hide the fact that the photo was really sent to the congressman's boyfriend." So Lee's handlers spin the fake story with fake emails which they deliberately leak to Gawker to keep an unknown party from revealing the truth about his secret gay life, because if the truth came out, it couldn't fly now. Interesting.
My first thought on seeing the shirtless photo was: "he looks like some of the married men I hooked up with in my twenties." That was long before Craigslist and iPhone photos, but they did have the same clean-cut forced masculinity about them.
Lee is not bad in the body department for a 46-year-old man. He obviously does a lot of running. He needs to work more with weights, though. He'll have a lot of free time now.
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