7:59 AM

Discoveries: "Чулки! Только Чулки!" by ru_stockings

This is one of the first sites I stumbled upon during my quest for good-quality stocking image sources. "Чулки! Только Чулки!" translates to "Stockings Only Stockings" and the blogger is definitely consistent in his or her quest in posting quality stocking images from a variety of sources.

Sadly this image blog lacks some informative information as to the names, source of, and other informational tidbits of who these models are but some are recognizable and ru_stockings does offer a basic label(s) at the bottom of most images so you can surf similar images. He or she is very prolific in posting so you can go back almost every day and find something new.

Torn:  one of my favourite labels. Enjoy!!

Bloggers Profile

Ratings:  1 to 10 ratings. The higher the rating the better or the more likely to be...

NSFW Rating:  7

Originality:  7

Image Quality Consistency:  10

Image Theme Consistency:  10

Fun Factor:  3

Author Passion for Lingerie:  YES!

Some examples...


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